

Is A Blended Coaching Approach Best?

By admingr on 13th March, 2023 in Change, Coaching, Development, Getting Help and Support, Psychotherapy & Counselling, Wellbeing

When it comes to coaching is a blended approach best?   Traditionally, coaching and therapy have been seen as two distinct approaches to helping people make positive changes in their lives. Coaching is widely recognised as being one of the most powerful ways in which personal and professional growth can...

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Are Your Resolutions Failing Already?

By admingr on 12th January, 2023 in Change, Coaching, Development, Exercise, Getting Help and Support, Self-knowledge

Are Your Resolutions Failing Already?   For many of us, the promises that we made to ourselves just over a week ago are already looking shaky. By the time we reach the end of this month, around 90% of us will have quietly admitted that the idea of making resolutions...

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Is Yours A Winning Team?

By Lindsay Pilling on 8th December, 2022 in Coaching, Development, Relationships

Is Yours a Winning Team?   As the FIFA World Cup hits fever pitch, you are watching some of the best teamwork around… but what makes up that winning formula and how can we apply it in the workplace? We are asking Is yours a winning team? You’ll be familiar...

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Talent – it’s a tough market!

By Chris Welford on 21st February, 2022 in Coaching, Development

As we emerge from the pandemic, the recruitment market is red hot.  There can’t be many sectors where a severe shortage of skills isn’t a big headache to hiring managers. The temptation can be to cut corners to get bums on seats! We think that’s a risk that’s not worth...

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Self Knowledge – Top Tips

By Chris Welford on 10th November, 2020 in Development, Self-knowledge

Get yourself a notebook or open a new document on your computer and in your own time, reflect on these points: Narrative. Start off by thinking about your personal history, your hopes, dreams and aspirations. Who are you? Where have you come from? Where are you going? Looking back, what...

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