

Are Your Resolutions Failing Already?

By admingr on 12th January, 2023 in Change, Coaching, Development, Exercise, Getting Help and Support, Self-knowledge

Are Your Resolutions Failing Already?   For many of us, the promises that we made to ourselves just over a week ago are already looking shaky. By the time we reach the end of this month, around 90% of us will have quietly admitted that the idea of making resolutions...

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Self Knowledge – Top Tips

By Chris Welford on 10th November, 2020 in Development, Self-knowledge

Get yourself a notebook or open a new document on your computer and in your own time, reflect on these points: Narrative. Start off by thinking about your personal history, your hopes, dreams and aspirations. Who are you? Where have you come from? Where are you going? Looking back, what...

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Out of control driver

By Chris Welford on 27th October, 2020 in Relationships, Self-knowledge

In the last blog, we talked about feedback and how to support people with a be perfect or please others driver.  But what if the person who needs help is you?  Here are a few ideas for calming those compulsions that we can all feel when we are stressed and...

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Two tips for better performance feedback

By Chris Welford on 19th October, 2020 in Assessment, Coaching, Self-knowledge

It’s generally accepted in organisations that feedback is a good thing. Training in providing feedback (where it’s given) goes something like this: find some quality time to sit down with a person; be clear about what you want to say; be specific about behaviour and stick to the facts.  All...

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