
Sometimes the difference between a good solution and an excellent one is a little insight.

Direction of leadership development

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We see little evidence of traditional leadership development programmes working so we knew in designing our programmes we needed to be different. We believe that leaders develop best when they work with live business issues and draw upon their own knowledge, skills and experience in a supportive but challenging environment.

Too many programmes focus on the theory of Leadership Development rather than the issues facing the actual business and leaders at the time.

This is why we spend a great deal of time in partnership with you to ensure the programme is not only a success, but also changes the overall performance of the business, not just the leaders on the programme.

Our development approach is underpinned by just three tenets:

  • Learning more about self
  • Developing deeper relationship skills
  • Sharpening business-critical perspectives and exploring wider horizons

This is inside-out leadership development, grounded in the principles of coaching, solutions-focused working and positive psychology.

Widening Horizons with a Leadership Development programme

Sometimes the difference between a good solution and an excellent one is a little insight. We provide a series of masterclasses by blending the minimum of theory with the practical insights of other leaders. What’s important here is that these sessions are co-determined and created. In the past, we have run sessions on a wide range of topics, including:

  • Partnership working
  • Emotional intelligence
  • Managing through tough times
  • Moving from management to leadership
  • Managing upwards



Two tips for better performance feedback

By Chris Welford on 19th October, 2020 in Assessment, Coaching, Self-knowledge

It’s generally accepted in organisations that feedback is a good thing. Training in providing feedback (where it’s given) goes something like this: find some quality time to sit down with a person; be clear about what you want to say; be specific about behaviour and stick to the facts.  All...

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Tell me a story

By Chris Welford on 13th October, 2020 in Assessment, Self-Knowledge

We’ve been telling stories to each other pretty much since the birth of language.  Art, philosophy and religion are replete with tales about human behaviour and interactions. But we don’t just tell stories to each other, we also tell them to ourselves e.g. ‘I’m not good enough,’ ‘I must be...

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Self-knowledge and strengths

By Chris Welford on 6th October, 2020 in Assessment, Development, Psychotherapy & Counselling, Sane Works

“This above all: to thine own self be true, And it must follow, as the night the day, Thou canst not then be false to any man.” William Shakespeare, Hamlet Ask most people about their development goals and they will reel off a list of weaknesses that they want to...

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Results of our ‘new normal’ poll

By Chris Welford on 28th July, 2020 in Assessment, Coaching, Sane Works

To download this as a PDF click HERE Strict lockdown appears to be easing for now but the new normal is not yet with us. We suspected that for many people the transition phase feels quite ambiguous and anxiety-provoking. Therefore, we created a poll to understand how people are feeling....

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Sixth Sense Consulting – 10 years old!

By Chris Welford on 23rd July, 2020 in Assessment, Development, Sane Works

Surely not – but yes! It’s been a decade. To say that it has flown by would be one huge understatement. Here’s a little birthday card that we have designed. We hope you like it. So, whether you are one of our incredible clients, a supplier of the tools and...

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Registered in England & Wales: Company number 07262479 – D-U-N-S Number 21-674-2575
Registered address: 22 Village Square, Bramhall Centre, Bramhall,

Tel: 0800 048 8615


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