Psychotherapy & Counselling

At Sixth Sense we believe it would benefit many of us to talk in confidence to a trained and highly responsive person about our private concerns.

Psychotherapy and Councelling

Sometimes coaching isn’t enough, and your issues run deeper; probably being rooted in formative experiences, upbringing, education, culture, past events or even stress and trauma.  It’s then that we believe there’s benefit for any of us in talking in confidence to a trained and highly responsive person about our private concerns, this is where Psychotherapy and Counselling can help.

There’s an argument that therapy is rearwards facing and coaching is directed towards the future.  There’s another point of view that coaching and therapy shouldn’t be mixed.

We don’t really subscribe to either assertion and our approach to personal development is a deliberate blend of both resolving and unblocking the past and pursuing the goals of the future.  We practice this way because we are qualified in Psychotherapy and Coaching, flexibly responding to each client to “meet them where they are”.

Even with conversations that are purely therapeutic, we don’t approach our work from a purely clinical angle though.  Our deeply humanistic and existential approach is marked by openness, curiosity and relationships that exist on an adult-adult level. After all, your issues may well be no more and no less than the business of making sense of a complex world; full of competing demands.

Maybe you are frustrated by your working life, your relationships with people and the meaning you attach to what you are doing. Maybe you just want to get more out of the totality of your life and be free of unhelpful feelings and beliefs that hold you back.

But we don’t just work with you as a mind; we are equally interested in supporting your total wellbeing. This means as practitioners we have something to say about rest and relaxation, about eating and exercise and lastly, about how to navigate the complexities of the often-thorny issue of achieving work-life balance.

Whatever your needs are, we are here to help.

Is A Blended Coaching Approach Best?

By admingr on 13th March, 2023 in Change, Coaching, Development, Getting Help and Support, Psychotherapy & Counselling, Wellbeing

When it comes to coaching is a blended approach best?   Traditionally, coaching and therapy have been seen as two distinct approaches to helping people make positive changes in their lives. Coaching is widely recognised as being one of the most powerful ways in which personal and professional growth can...

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It’s not all “in your head”

By Chris Welford on 18th February, 2021 in Feelings and Emotions, Psychotherapy & Counselling

It’s been a tough 12 months.  Even the most resilient of us is starting to feel frayed round the edges.  How do we maintain mental stamina?  Here are some ideas that we hope will help. Firstly, recognise the problem of creeping normalcy.  This is the phenomenon, sometimes referred to in...

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Self-knowledge and strengths

By Chris Welford on 6th October, 2020 in Assessment, Development, Psychotherapy & Counselling, Sane Works

“This above all: to thine own self be true, And it must follow, as the night the day, Thou canst not then be false to any man.” William Shakespeare, Hamlet Ask most people about their development goals and they will reel off a list of weaknesses that they want to...

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High performance in a VUCA world

By Chris Welford on 28th September, 2020 in Development, Psychotherapy & Counselling

How do you develop people in the volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous (VUCA) world we are currently living in? We think traditional management and leadership development is no longer enough – even if it is being delivered remotely and flexibly.   Right now, more than ever in this changing VUCA...

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The power of yet – how to develop a growth mind-set and why this is important

By Chris Welford on 1st September, 2020 in Psychotherapy & Counselling

Have you ever faced a really difficult task? Or encountered a challenge that seemed too hard for you, such as a problem that you could not solve no matter how hard you tried? How did you react? Whilst we would probably all agree that these situations are somewhat frustrating, most...

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Tel: 0800 048 8615


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