Psychotherapy & Counselling

At Sixth Sense we believe it would benefit many of us to talk in confidence to a trained and highly responsive person about our private concerns.

Psychotherapy and Councelling

Sometimes coaching isn’t enough, and your issues run deeper; probably being rooted in formative experiences, upbringing, education, culture, past events or even stress and trauma.  It’s then that we believe there’s benefit for any of us in talking in confidence to a trained and highly responsive person about our private concerns, this is where Psychotherapy and Counselling can help.

There’s an argument that therapy is rearwards facing and coaching is directed towards the future.  There’s another point of view that coaching and therapy shouldn’t be mixed.

We don’t really subscribe to either assertion and our approach to personal development is a deliberate blend of both resolving and unblocking the past and pursuing the goals of the future.  We practice this way because we are qualified in Psychotherapy and Coaching, flexibly responding to each client to “meet them where they are”.

Even with conversations that are purely therapeutic, we don’t approach our work from a purely clinical angle though.  Our deeply humanistic and existential approach is marked by openness, curiosity and relationships that exist on an adult-adult level. After all, your issues may well be no more and no less than the business of making sense of a complex world; full of competing demands.

Maybe you are frustrated by your working life, your relationships with people and the meaning you attach to what you are doing. Maybe you just want to get more out of the totality of your life and be free of unhelpful feelings and beliefs that hold you back.

But we don’t just work with you as a mind; we are equally interested in supporting your total wellbeing. This means as practitioners we have something to say about rest and relaxation, about eating and exercise and lastly, about how to navigate the complexities of the often-thorny issue of achieving work-life balance.

Whatever your needs are, we are here to help.

2 of 6: Working with Feedback – Ideas from Sixth Sense – Managing

By Chris Welford on 14th February, 2017 in Psychotherapy & Counselling

PDF: Working with Feedback – Managing It’s the start of the year. That often means feedback on what we have done over the past 12 months and/or you giving feedback to others. Feedback is great but where next?  Here are some practical ideas from the business psychologists at Sixth Sense....

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1 of 6: Working with Feedback – Ideas from Sixth Sense – Delegating

By Chris Welford on 7th February, 2017 in Psychotherapy & Counselling, Sane Works

PDF: Working with Feedback – Delegating It’s the start of the year. That often means feedback on what we have done over the past 12 months and/or you giving feedback to others. Feedback is great but where next?  Here are some practical ideas from the business psychologists at Sixth Sense....

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New Year’s resolutions – already broken or forgotten?

By Chris Welford on 17th January, 2017 in Psychotherapy & Counselling

Here are the ten most common New Year’s resolutions as identified by recent research: Lose weight Get organised Spend less, save more Enjoy life to the fullest Get and stay fit and healthy Learn something new Stop smoking Land a new job Find a new romantic relationship Achieve more work-life...

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Daily News

By Chris Welford on 5th May, 2016 in Psychotherapy & Counselling

There’s a lot of colourful stuff in the media at the moment:  from corporate collapses to allegations of dodgy dealings and that high profile industrial action that none of us could have failed to notice!  It’s all made the TV news and it’s all competed for our attention. Much of...

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I’m on the Road to Nowhere

By Chris Welford on 10th March, 2016 in Psychotherapy & Counselling

This isn’t just an appreciation of a great song… Do you say any of these to yourself…? ‘I will be happy when…’‘I will be happy if…’‘I would feel happy if I just got…’ The next part of the sentence is up to you to fill in. What did you get?...

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Not Nervous Enough

By Chris Welford on 25th February, 2016 in Coaching, Psychotherapy & Counselling

You will know the uncomfortable, restless feeling of being anxious. Whether you are concerned about meeting a deadline, a presentation you have to give or your performance at an important meeting, your feeling of fear does certainly not add any enjoyment to tasks that may be daunting enough in themselves!...

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Valentine’s Day – Emotional Literacy

By Chris Welford on 12th February, 2016 in Psychotherapy & Counselling, Sane Works

We started off the year talking about the multiple demands that modern life places on us. We even invited you to think through the eyes of a child or try a digital detox … It’s easy to dismiss February 14th as just another bit of crass commercialism, following hot on...

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Happy Endings

By Chris Welford on 28th January, 2016 in Coaching, Psychotherapy & Counselling

There never seems to be enough time! The temptation is to try and do everything at once in an eternal act of juggling: taking a call from your boss, helping the kids with homework, walking the dog, putting the bins out – multiple demands on your attention. One day, you...

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The Most Challenging Detox of all …

By Chris Welford on 20th January, 2016 in Psychotherapy & Counselling

At this time of year many of you will be focused on well-being and with steely determination you are detoxing your body after the Christmas excesses.  Some of you may even be reading this in the gym on your mobile phone and that’s rather interesting in itself… Have a think. ...

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Happy New Year and Life Lessons from a 7-year-old!

By Chris Welford on 5th January, 2016 in Psychotherapy & Counselling

Last year the Sixth Sense team embarked upon a fantastic programme called Best Year Yet. It enabled us to focus on the things that matter and set some positive, tangible goals. I am proud of what we have achieved last year with the publication of Staying Sane in Business, the...

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Inside Out – managing moods from the inside

By Chris Welford on 23rd October, 2015 in Psychotherapy & Counselling

Jackie reflects on a film with a difference Earlier this year we went to see the movie, Inside Out.  It is about an eleven-year old girl, Riley, and shows how her emotions impact her daily mood.  It is an innovative idea, using cartoon characters to represent the emotions of joy,...

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Rust-out: the unfamiliar cousin of burn-out!

By Chris Welford on 4th February, 2015 in Coaching, Psychotherapy & Counselling

Many professional people will have heard of and perhaps experienced burn-out. Like the terms ‘low’, ‘stressed’ and the other commonplace descriptions used to explain what happens when our psychological fuel tank runs empty, what they mean is unique to each person.  However, there is the lesser-known cousin to burn-out which...

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