
Nothing feels more volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous as right now!

Organisational Change

What could help are receptive, objective and experienced support and practical solutions.

Sometimes all you need is good diagnosis and advice and sometimes you need someone to roll their sleeves up and deliver the changes you need.

Our Change services are grouped around three key areas, although solutions are always tailored to suit your needs.


Without a decent blue print, you run the risk of confusion and lack of direction or worse. How often have you experienced what happens when leaders, managers and individuals are left to decide for themselves where the organisation is heading? At best they will talk to each other and work it out, but more often than not they will fight for their own agenda and vision.

By starting with what your organisation does and what makes it successful and unique, we can help you identify the capabilities you need and organise sensibly around these core skills so that individuals and teams can truly perform. The right operating model and organisation design will also make decision making easy, quick and effective.

With all this in place you can start to build consensus and clarity around what needs to change and engage your people in the task of making it all happen.


Most large-scale organisational changes fail. Not because they don’t make sense, but because organisations fail to properly explore their readiness for the change.

We’ll help you to understand the scale of the task and also explore your appetite for change. You won’t have everyone on board from day one, but you need to understand how to engage key influencers and how you are going to build momentum and commitment. You will also need to understand all the other obstacles to progress and manage these actively. How good is your HR team, are your key processes and technology fit for purpose, can you manage business as usual whilst you drive the changes through and critically are you over reliant on certain key individuals who are busy elsewhere. A short change readiness assessment will greatly increase your chances of success and, in some cases help you reach a ‘no-go’ decision when otherwise, optimism and enthusiasm might have driven you to make the wrong call.


With a clear picture of where you are heading and a sound understanding of just how ready you are, the real work can begin!

Whether your change requires the recruitment of new skills, major structural change, new technology, a shift in culture and ways of work or all of the above, you need structure and discipline to fully deliver the expected benefits. This is ‘old fashioned’ project and programme management with skilled leadership and co-ordination, a balanced approach to risks and issues based on experience and the ability to keep key stakeholders on board.

Sixth-Sense will bring a wealth of experience and tools to the task and provide everything from advice and guidance to active programme leadership.

Registered in England & Wales: Company number 07262479 – D-U-N-S Number 21-674-2575
Registered address: 22 Village Square, Bramhall Centre, Bramhall,

Tel: 0800 048 8615


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