Do you need Wellbeing Champions?
You have probably been talking a lot about wellbeing over the last 18 months, but is it truly central to your corporate culture? Post-pandemic, have you thought about how to encourage workplace healthy high performance, when your people are at least partially back in the office? Do you feel that there is still a stigma associated with mental health in your organisation? Have your tried to provide wellbeing support to your people only to find that the uptake has been low
If the above sound familiar, it may be a great time to consider introducing wellbeing champions: employees who volunteer to take on a key role in communicating and encouraging healthy behaviours.
Here are three, immediate benefits:
- Having clear first points of contact for wellbeing information, support, and advice – so people can navigate through what’s available in your organisation
- Increasing awareness of, and active engagement with, your core support resources such as EAPs and Mental Health First Aiders
- Delivering events that keep wellbeing front of mind for everyone
Sixth Sense can work with you to design and implement a programme in your organisation, including recruiting and training your wellbeing champions, and supporting them as a community. Anyone can become a wellbeing champion with the right training (and it is an initiative that should be inclusive) if they are prepared to:
- Be an advocate, and role model, for mental and physical health and wellbeing
- Give time to actively promoting wellbeing activities and events
- Generate and share new ideas for improving wellbeing
- Encourage colleagues to access relevant health and wellbeing resources and support
- Signpost what’s on offer, internally and externally
If you would like to discuss introducing wellbeing champions into your organisation, please contactplease contact Sixth Sense on 0800 048 8615 or email: info@sixthsenseconsulting.co.uk
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