Are you ready to be coached?


It’s a valid question – you might be and might not be. Here are a few pointers from us:

1. Openness to Feedback

You’re open to receiving positive and negative feedback and will use it constructively to improve your performance and behaviour. There’s no point in adopting a defensive position in coaching – but that’s usually when you have been sent and aren’t entering into a coaching relationship on your terms.

2. Recognition of the Need for Improvement

You acknowledge that areas in your professional life could benefit from improvement and are actively seeking ways to develop those areas.

3. Willingness to Change

You’re ready to experiment and change how you approach your work, interact with colleagues, or manage tasks. This willingness to change is crucial for coaching to be effective.

4. Commitment to Growth

You have a genuine desire for not only professional but also personal growth, and understand that development requires effort and time.

5. Understanding the Value of Coaching

You recognise that coaching can provide you with new perspectives, insights, and skills that are difficult to develop independently, and you don’t just see it as a quick fix or symptomatic relief.

6. Setting Clear Goals

You have specific goals you want to achieve or challenges you want to overcome, and you believe that coaching can help you reach those goals.

7. Responsibility for Learning

You understand that the coach is there to facilitate your growth, but you are responsible for applying what you learn and making changes.

8. Patience and Perseverance

You realise that progress and improvement take time and are prepared to be patient and persevere through challenges and setbacks.

9. Emotional Intelligence

You possess or are willing to develop emotional intelligence, including self-awareness, empathy, and the ability to manage your emotions healthily.

10. Time and Energy Investment

You are ready to invest time and energy into the coaching process, understanding that meaningful results require consistent effort. At the very least, you promise not to cancel coaching sessions when busy!


Identifying with these signs may indicate that you are ready to embark on a coaching journey at work.

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