

Talent – it’s a tough market!

By Chris Welford on 21st February, 2022 in Coaching, Development

As we emerge from the pandemic, the recruitment market is red hot.  There can’t be many sectors where a severe shortage of skills isn’t a big headache to hiring managers. The temptation can be to cut corners to get bums on seats! We think that’s a risk that’s not worth...

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Your Winning Team

By Chris Welford on 29th July, 2021 in Coaching

The four phases of team development – forming, storming, norming and performing are familiar to most of us. There are some significant leadership issues at each stage of a team’s journey but there is a danger that in our multi-tasking, always-connected world, these are overlooked. TIME TO LOOK AT THE...

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360 programmes go beyond the individual

By Chris Welford on 9th June, 2021 in Coaching, Getting Help and Support

A guest blog post for Sixth Sense Consulting by Sarah Clapperton Many people remember their initial experience of 360 feedback; perhaps the first time they heard how their colleagues really see them.  The most effective leaders I meet tend to have embraced this sort of feedback and have adapted their...

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Two tips for better performance feedback

By Chris Welford on 19th October, 2020 in Assessment, Coaching, Self-knowledge

It’s generally accepted in organisations that feedback is a good thing. Training in providing feedback (where it’s given) goes something like this: find some quality time to sit down with a person; be clear about what you want to say; be specific about behaviour and stick to the facts.  All...

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The Persuasive Professional

By Chris Welford on 13th August, 2020 in Coaching, Development

HR professionals don’t spend a lot of time thinking about how they get their message across; well not in my experience. All too often there seems to be the assumption that our knowledge and insight should speak for itself or that cursory references to best practice are enough. But there’s...

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