Trump’s here and that’s a field day for the media.
They seem to love battering us with miserable stories and scaremongering about global conflict and the ever-present discomfort of Brexit, which seems to nag away at us like a chronically bad back!
But our parents and grandparents lived through far worse, with world wars and a far less generous social system than we have today to support us. They lived with years of uncertainty that was not just economic but life-threatening. Talk to them about it, or to your elderly neighbour – you often find that the ‘old dear’ down the road has actually driven tanks and parachuted out of planes… far braver than anything most of us face these days!
Why not take a break from the media and focus on something more positive? You are more likely to stay healthy and live longer as there is now a good body of evidence to show that optimism and happiness increase health, longevity and wellbeing.
The human mind tends to fret about things that may never happen. So, enjoy what is going right. And if today you have some money in the bank, a job perhaps, a roof over your head, a pet, a friend, someone you love, or someone who knows and understands you then rejoice. A quick scan of world events shows us that the problems we face in the UK may be difficult but nothing like as bad as in some other parts of the world and by Wednesday Trump will have gone home and all of that hysteria will be yesterday’s news!
So listen to your heart. Intuition has been proven by recent research to be spot on in helping us make decisions. But you knew that didn’t you – you didn’t need a University research project to tell you. If something feels right, do it; if something doesn’t feel right then don’t. Intuition usually speaks to you through your body – if you feel tense with someone it is for a reason; if you feel light and happy with another person then there is a message in it.
You really don’t need books to tell you all of this stuff: you just need to tune back into yourself but if you are interested in finding out more check out www.sane.works, follow us on Twitter @SaneWorks or buy a copy one of our books: they are on the website.
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