The Business Case for Healthy High Performance

The two biggest causes of workplace absenteeism in the UK are musculo-skeletal problems and stress.

The mind and the body clearly both play their part in human misery and suffering!

You might think that working from home would have helped? The truth is that it hasn’t for many of us – isolation, sub-optimal working conditions, endless video calls, competing and conflicting demands on our time… this way of working is taking its toll.

Even in a normal year, the biggest problem people face at work is reported to be stress.

Even in a normal year, stress is estimated to be costing industry around £26 billion.

… and this hasn’t been a normal year, not by some margin!

There are plenty of stress surveys and assessments out there, and we have used most of them! There’s also no end of coaches who help individuals and teams achieve their best.

But for us there has always been something missing: a way of accurately measuring what might be having a detrimental impact on an individual’s wellbeing; focusing specifically on what could help them drive up their work performance, whilst maintaining optimum mental and physical health.

Wouldn’t it be great if your people:

  • Had the self-knowledge to really play to their personal strengths, maximise their potential and become the best versions of themselves?
  • Understood the impact pressure had on their body, behaviour and performance and knew how to manage stress and recognise when it was all getting too much?
  • Knew how to build the most positive, fulfilling and mutually beneficial workplace relationships – based on trust and respect?
  • Recognised that moods and emotions are sometimes hard to manage and that it’s all too easy to cast a dark shadow over others?
  • Engaged in a healthy amount of exercise to keep them physically and mentally fit?
  • Paid attention to their nutrition; accepting that we all are what we eat, and that poor diet impacts our performance?
  • Appreciated that sleep is essential for our bodies and minds, and knew that insufficient sleep of the right quality can cut productivity by two-thirds?
  • Had a healthy work-life balance; so, they felt happy and fulfilled and knew when to stop staring at their screens and when they needed to re-charge?

That’s why we created the Healthy High-Performance Indicator (HHPI).

We know that measuring something is not enough in itself; so this tool goes beyond that: it can provide a baseline for an individual’s coaching programme, a health check on a team or an organisation-wide assessment of wellbeing.

Once development needs are identified, this means we can partner with you to help individuals and groups through one-to-one support, workshops, team coaching, our books (Staying Sane in Business and Mind Body Balance in Business) and our website

The HHPI can be completed multiple times, so an individual can monitor their progress and you can see the return on investment.

To find out more, get in touch:

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