Mood and Emotions
Get yourself a notebook or open a new document on your computer and in your own time, reflect on these points:
- Take a moment to step back and think about your feelings and how you are coping. Have a look at our Stress Circle model here. Where are you?
- It can sometimes feel hard to describe our emotions and we tend to cover up our feelings with others that are more acceptable. Just getting the words right can help. Here is something that might help.
- What’s your fundamental mindset. Is it in Fixed Mode or Growth? Watch this video from the founder of the idea.
- Explore how your personality helps or hinders your resilience by completing the free i-resilience questionnaire here.
- Explore your mood and mental health here by using these resources from the NHS.
- Nurture your inner chimp by reading the great book by Stephen Peters. You can find details here.
- Change your thoughts about stress by watching this video from Kelly McGonigal.
- Learn to fake it until you make it by exploring this video from Amy Cuddy.
- If you are struggling to get in a better mood, also have a look at the top tips on sleep, relaxation and exercise: mood isn’t all in your head!
- Explore mindfulness. You could start by looking here.
- Sixth Sense runs workshops on this topic that you might enjoy. They are called Emotion Works and Mindfulness Works. More details are here.
Want to know more? Search the range of resources here on sane.works. There are book recommendations, links to websites, TED talks and worksheets and we are always adding to the list! Click here to begin.
Have a look at Chapter 4 of Staying Sane in Business. To order a copy, click here.
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