Helping you with the COVID-19 challenge

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Our TREES model represents the essential architecture of resilience.  How can we use this to protect ourselves during this unprecedented time?

Thinking.  Worry seems to make us more susceptible to infection.  There’s a huge amount of evidence that stress dampens our immunity.  Now is the time for some small but sustainable changes.  Try meditation or yoga if you are working at home.  Maybe something like the Headspace™ app?  Step back and try and relax the mind.  If you need more, contact us about our Anytime Coaching service – affordable video-based support for an hour and with a highly trained professional, whenever you need it.

Rest and Relaxation:  This isn’t the time to throw the sleep schedule out of the window.  Maintain healthy sleep habits or adopt some new ones.  Resting and relaxing are also important and that doesn’t mean being glued to the torrent of bad news on your smartphone!  Try a good book or a film, instead.  If you need more help, contact us about our Mindfulness Works™ and Sleep Works™ webinars and stop by our website, where you will find loads of recommendations of great publications, websites and TED talks. 

Exercise.  Take a leaf out of the book of old cyclists!  In a recent study , it was found that their immune systems were far superior to those of sedentary younger people.  Exercise is hugely beneficial, particularly resistance work.  Just stay clear of the gym at the moment and run, cycle and/or do your workout in the fresh air.  If you want some inspiration, talk to us about our Exercise Works™ webinar.

Eating.  The healthiest diet possible should be your aim.  This means fresh fruit and vegetables and lots of water.  Eat foods that are rich in vitamin C and D and zinc.  Supplement if you need to, but not as a substitute!  This is the time to lay off the booze as well.  Alcohol plays havoc with your gut microbiome and those friendly bugs are an essential part of your immunity.  If you want to learn more, talk to us about our Nutrition Works™ webinar.

Support.  Isolation and loneliness can be toxic.  We all need to find new ways to stay in touch and be connected.  Fortunately, there’s never been a better time in terms of technology: often free and increasingly easy to use; FaceTime, Skype, Teams, Zoom … the list keeps growing! After all, there’s nothing above that has to require face to face contact, no matter how nice that is.  So, email or call us about anything here and we’ll be pleased to tell you more.

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