Senior Consultant

Here are all the people in the category 'Senior Consultant'.


Claire CrispSenior Consultant

I am an HCPC registered Chartered Psychologist with a Master’s degree in Occupational Psychology and BSc. (Hons) in Social Psychology.  I started my career as a consultant at SHL (UK) Ltd, a leading psychometric consultancy, and for the past 20 years have explored and refined my skills and knowledge in...

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Dr Lizzy BernthalSenior Consultant

Pre-coaching background

Registered nurse and midwife including mentor, senior lecturer and researcher in resilience, wellbeing, ethics, team building and cultural change; 25 years as Nursing Officer in the British Army

Years of coaching experience

Two years formally, and informally for 25 years

An ideal client would be

An individual who feels that...

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Dr Phillip MatherSenior Consultant

I am a BPS Chartered Psychologist, an HCPC Accredited Practitioner Psychologist, and a Chartered Fellow of the CIPD. I have been a leadership assessment and development consultant since 2010, and I work with leaders – well-established and emerging – to enhance their performance, their positive impact on those around them,...

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Registered in England & Wales: Company number 07262479 – D-U-N-S Number 21-674-2575
Registered address: 22 Village Square, Bramhall Centre, Bramhall,

Tel: 0800 048 8615


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