It’s the Mental Health Economy, Stupid!

PDF: It’s a Mental Health Economy, Stupid!

Ok, that’s a slight paraphrase of Bill Clinton but this week’s headline that up to 300,000 people with long-term mental health problems leave their jobs each year is nothing short of alarming. Quite apart from the human cost, the damage to the economy is staggering. We are looking at billions and billions of pounds of utter waste!
Let’s cut to the chase: if you are ignoring this as an employer, you are not only massively damaging your brand but you are also hurting your bottom line! And it’s avoidable because promoting mental health awareness costs so little and pays back so much.
Companies as big as Siemens UK trust us to deliver high-quality stress management and resilience training because occupational stress is a major contributor to the problem.
Our approach, which looks in detail at the role of mind, body and work-life balance is described in our book, out this December. But that’s just the start of what we can offer…


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