Kyle Davies

Pre-coaching background

Management consultant and chartered occupational psychologist, company director

An ideal client would be

A senior leader who is struggling not only with consistently performing at their best, but also with effectively maximising their wellbeing for performance. A leader who is committed to going a little deeper to understand how they can tap into their latent potentials in all areas of work and life

What I don’t like doing

Working with clients who lack commitment, motivation and an open mind to new possibilities


Challenging and empowering


South Wales, but I work internationally both in person and online via Skype and Zoom

Relevant qualifications

  • BSc, MPhil, C.Psychol., AFBPsS
  • Diploma and Advanced Diploma in Ericksonian hypno-psychotherapy; CBT
  • Practitioner Certification; NLP Practitioner and Master Practitioner certifications

Industry sector experience

Media, Law, Finance, Professional Services, Public Sector

What makes me different?

I am the creator of Energy-Flow Coaching™, which provides a framework and process for optimising wellbeing, creativity, motivation, and clarity of mind.
Having spent time both as an executive coach in management consulting, and as a practising therapist, I bring an ability to tap into potential by addressing not only behavioural and cognitive factors, but also the deeper psycho-spiritual issues that often underpin work and life challenges. I am the author of ‘The Intelligent Body’



Registered in England & Wales: Company number 07262479 – D-U-N-S Number 21-674-2575
Registered address: 22 Village Square, Bramhall Centre, Bramhall,

Tel: 0800 048 8615


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