Wellbeing at Work

Healthy high performance - delivered!


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You could look at wellbeing in lots of different ways. What we think is that being happy, fulfilled and productive are things that should all aspire to and that there are real business benefits to having your people at the top of their game. But by accident or design, the world of work has a nasty habit of bending us out of shape and nothing has tested this more than the events of 2020!

That’s why we developed sane.works – a whole series of 1:1 and workshop interventions that help redress the balance that help you and your organisation achieve healthy high performance.  All of these are backed up by the latest research and come with our curated collection of material from around the globe – books, web links, videos and our own worksheets.  


You can read more in our book Staying Sane in Business 

and its sister volume, Mind Body Balance

New Wellbeing Workshops from Sixth Sense

By Chris Welford on 5th December, 2017 in Sane Works

Our linked series of workshops are designed to help you look after yourself and others.  Each one is based on the latest thinking and is presented in a digestible and practical format.  You can learn one day and apply on the next! Fun, interactive but above all, impactful, they provide...

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New Book – Mind Body Balance by Chris Welford and Jackie Sykes

By Chris Welford on 21st November, 2017 in Psychotherapy & Counselling, Sane Works

There is no-one in business who doesn’t feel stressed from time to time. Stress can be energising, stress can be debilitating, stress can even kill you. In our new book, we explore the physiology and psychology of stress, and how it affects your body and your mind. We focus on...

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1 of 6: Working with Feedback – Ideas from Sixth Sense – Delegating

By Chris Welford on 7th February, 2017 in Psychotherapy & Counselling, Sane Works

PDF: Working with Feedback – Delegating It’s the start of the year. That often means feedback on what we have done over the past 12 months and/or you giving feedback to others. Feedback is great but where next?  Here are some practical ideas from the business psychologists at Sixth Sense....

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Valentine’s Day – Emotional Literacy

By Chris Welford on 12th February, 2016 in Psychotherapy & Counselling, Sane Works

We started off the year talking about the multiple demands that modern life places on us. We even invited you to think through the eyes of a child or try a digital detox … It’s easy to dismiss February 14th as just another bit of crass commercialism, following hot on...

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