I have always been interested in how and why people are the way they are, so 35 years ago I embarked on a career in Psychology. After becoming Chartered and an Associate Fellow of the British Psychological Society I specialised in human growth and development and trained to be a business and executive coach. After coaching clients for many years, I realised that a person’s history impacts on how they are today and became interested in working at a more in-depth level, which led me to train as a Body Psychotherapist with the UK Council for Psychotherapy (UKCP).
I now have main areas of focus: business psychology and body psychotherapy. In my psychology practice, I use frameworks, theories and techniques to design, facilitate and coach leaders, senior and middle managers. In my body psychotherapy practice, I provide in-depth 1:1 development using my coaching and counselling/therapeutic skills. I have a keen interest in how the body affects the mind and vice versa. I apply my knowledge to enable clients to become more aware of themselves, the root causes of their struggles, their resources and new strategies to navigate challenging situations.
Prior to specialising in development, I worked in assessment; job profiling, designing competency framework and designing and delivering assessment and development centres. Before that I worked in the NHS, assisting clinicians to review and improve their clinical services.
I have worked within the finance, media, retail, government, utilities, environment, academia, construction and charity sectors. I work 1:1 with clients with a range of issues including anxiety, depression, stress, trauma, relationship problems, low self-esteem and general well-being.