
Here are all the people in the category 'Director'.


Chris WelfordDirector

Pre-coaching background

HR manager, management consultant, company director

Years of coaching experience

20 (30 years’ HR/OD experience)

An ideal client would be

An intelligent, spiky, challenging senior leader who is struggling under the weight of what s/he has to do and who is paying little attention to self-care!
What I don’t like doing Being a...

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Jackie SykesDirector

Pre-coaching background

HR and management consultancy, business psychology, psychometric research and test publication, company director

Years of coaching experience

15 years

An ideal client would be

Individuals who are passionate about personal development e.g. raising their self-awareness, enhancing their wellbeing and achieving their full potential

What I don’t like doing

Working with people who have...

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Registered in England & Wales: Company number 07262479 – D-U-N-S Number 21-674-2575
Registered address: 22 Village Square, Bramhall Centre, Bramhall,

Tel: 0800 048 8615


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